High blood pressure for many years, will it be converted into coronary heart disease?
Source: | Author:medoo | Published time: 2016-07-15 | 577 Views | Share:

   Coronary heart disease is a common and frequently occurring disease in middle aged and elderly people. Many factors are closely related to the incidence of coronary heart disease. These factors are known as the risk factors of coronary heart disease, and high blood pressure is one of these risk factors.

High blood pressure

High blood pressure is an important risk factor for coronary heart disease. In patients with coronary heart disease, there are 60% to 70% of patients with high blood pressure, the probability of suffering from coronary heart disease of hypertension patients is 3-4 times larger than that of common people. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure are closely related to the disease.


The study found that the total cholesterol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein cholesterol are also risk factors for coronary heart disease. Among them, total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein are concerned most. High density lipoprotein has a protective effect for patients with coronary heart disease. So low density lipoprotein is called "bad cholesterol", high density lipoprotein is called "good cholesterol".

Smoking and drinking

The prevalence of coronary heart disease in smokers is 2-6 times higher than that of non-smokers, and it’s proportional to the daily amount of smoking. Carbon monoxide hemoglobin increases in the blood of smokers, the oxygenation of arterial wall is insufficient and prostacyclin release decreases, making the platelet easy to stick and accumulate in the arterial wall, promoting atherosclerosis, thrombus formation, plaque instability and arrhythmia. In addition, nicotine contracting in blood vessels, can lead to hypoxia of the artery wall and cause artery spasm and myocardial damage. Long term of large number of white wine will do functional damage to the heart, blood vessels, liver and other organs, thus lead to the occurrence of alcoholic cardiomyopathy, cirrhosis and hypertension.

Diabetes and glucose tolerance abnormity

Diabetes are important risk factors for coronary heart disease. The risk of suffering from coronary heart disease of diabetic patients is several times higher than that of normal people, and the disease will have a rapid progress. The risk of suffering from coronary heart disease of female patients with diabetes is 3 times higher than that of male patients, and they are easier to suffer from heart failure, stroke and death.

   Because there is function barriers in the blood platelet of patients with diabetes, that is, the coagulation function is enhanced, which can easily lead to thrombosis, and myocardial infarction is caused by the blockage of blood vessels after thrombosis.

Obesity and insufficient exercise

Obesity is not as serious as hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes, but obesity can affect coronary heart disease by promoting the occurrence and development of these three factors. Exercise can adjust and improve vascular endothelial function, prompt coronary collateral circulation establishment for who has been suffering from coronary heart disease, exercise less prone to obesity, so it should be fully awared of the urgency of the treatment of obesity and the importance of exercise.

   Of course, coronary heart disease is also affected by age, sex, heredity, and even personality, and other uncontrollable factors, but larger risk factors are acquired controllable. Therefore, coronary heart disease is needed for early prevention, as soon as possible to stay away from the risk factors for coronary heart disease.

   In summary, coronary heart disease is not a high blood pressure transition, but a kind of hypertensive complication, that is, having no active and reasonable treatment of hypertension brings human body the further harm.

   So once found high blood pressure, it is necessary to give all kinds of active intervention, if necessary, to give reasonable and effective drug treatment.