Leaving Nothing Behind
Source: | Author:Jessie | Published time: 2023-11-13 | 110 Views | Share:

        Application trends and challenges of implant-free treatment methods in the field of intervention

        In recent years, the development of interventional medical technology has made the emphasis on non-implantation treatment methods such as balloons, high-pressure balloons and drug balloon channels a new trend to replace stent implantation in the body. This article discusses this trend and explores its benefits and potential challenges.


1. Application of balloons:

        Emphasis on ballooning is a method of introducing an inflated balloon into a blood vessel through interventional means to dilate narrowed blood vessels or arteries. Compared with stent implantation, the balloon has the following advantages:


        Stent-related complications such as thrombosis and vascular inflammation are avoided.

        Reduces surgical trauma and postoperative recovery time.

        Suitable for some short-term blood vessel stenosis conditions, such as heart valve stenosis.


2. Application of high-pressure balloon:

        A high-pressure balloon is a method of further dilating a blood vessel or artery by increasing the pressure of the fluid inside the balloon. Compared with traditional stress balloons, high-pressure balloons have the following advantages:


        Can dilate blood vessels more completely, reducing the risk of restenosis.

        Suitable for some serious blood vessel stenosis conditions, such as coronary artery occlusion.


3. Application of drug balloon channel:

        Drug balloon channeling is a method in which drugs are coated on the surface of a balloon and released into the blood vessel wall through balloon expansion. Compared with stent implantation, drug balloon channels have the following advantages:


        The drug acts directly on the lesion, reducing systemic drug exposure and side effects.

        It can reduce the risk of intravascular restenosis and improve the therapeutic effect.

        It is suitable for some cases with mild local lesions, such as mild coronary artery stenosis.


        However, while emphasizing the many advantages of implant-free treatment methods such as balloons, high-pressure balloons, and drug balloon channels, there are also some challenges:


        Treatment results may not be as long-lasting as stent implantation.

        More technology and experience are needed to ensure the safety and effectiveness of treatments.

        Some patients may not be suitable for implant-free treatment and require individualized evaluation.



Future outlook:

        With the continuous development of science and technology, the application of interventional implant-free technology in the medical industry will be further expanded. We can expect the emergence of more precise and personalized interventional treatment methods, as well as the development of more advanced and convenient implant-free diagnostic tools. This will bring more opportunities and challenges to the medical industry and provide better health care services to patients.